This section contains books on breast-feeding/nursing for new mothers.
Baby Book : Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two by
William Sears and Martha Sears 
Pediatric specialists and the parents of seven children, William and Martha Sears write
from unparalleled professional and personal experience. They emphasize five basic needs of
babies--eating, sleeping, development, health, and comfort--and provide specific
information on the most recent findings regarding treatment of illnesses, infant
nutritional requirements, parent-child bonding, and much more. 230 line drawings.
Published January 1993, ISBN: 0316779059
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Nursing Mother's Companion 4th Edition by Kathleen Huggins 
The International Lactation Consultant Association named Katheleen Huggin's The
Nursing Mother's Companion "the best possible choice among breastfeeding guides
for prospective mothers." Lamaze International praised it as one of the ten most
important books for new parents. This book, which has helped hundreds of thousands of
mothers breast feed successfully, has been made even better. In this fully updated edition
the growing number of working moms who breast-feed will appreciate the most current
information about breast pumps. This edition includes encouraging new information for
women who lack the glandular tissue needed to produce milk in the first week, and
pharmacist Philip Anderson's appendix on drugs and their safety during breast-feeding has
been completely revised. Still full of the practical, problem-solving advice and
warm-hearted wisdom it's always contained, The Nursing Mother's Companion is a book
moms and healthcare providers can rely upon and trust.
Published April 1999, ISBN: 1558321527
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Your Baby by Karen Pryor and Gale Pryor 
Women who bought this book had this to say about it:
- I purchased several books on breastfeeding and found this one the most comprehensive and
- This is THE Best book for nursing mothers!
- I've purchased a lot of pregnancy/nursing etc. books - this is one of the best. I
recommend it to new mothers!
- This {book} addressed all my issues and concerns with adequate detail.
- Practical information on
pumps, going back to work and more.
- Well written and documented.
Published September 1991, ISBN: 0671745484
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That's What They're For! : Breastfeeding Basics by Janet Tamaro 
Filling the gap left in a market glutted with dated or dry books on breast-feeding, So
That's What They're For! lends support and encouragement to those wondering whether
they should try breast-feeding, for pregnant women who are sure they will breast-feed and
for new moms who are having trouble and are considering stopping. With hilarious anecdotes
and wonderful illustrations, this comprehensive guide offers a supportive, pragmatic view
from the real world. Tamaro has integrated all of the newest information on breast-feeding
in this updated second edition.
Feel free to contact the author via email at: [email protected]
Published March 1998, ISBN: 1580620418
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Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by Gwen Gotsch and Judy Torgus 
This is the 35th-anniversary edition of the big book on breastfeeding, written by the
experts at La Leche League International. The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding is a
comprehensive resource guide providing just about everything you need to know about
how--and why--to breast-feed your baby. Latch on to this book for step-by-step guides to
early months, common concerns, problems, and weaning. Additional sections on general
nutrition, sleep issues, going back to work, discipline, and fathering are useful for all
breast-feeding mothers.
Published September 1997, ISBN: 0452279089
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